Your Thoughts About The Doll Study The Experiment About Race 1

Last week you were introduced to the Clark Doll Study that was conducted in the 1940s to study how societal racism impacted children.

The Doll Study

After having some time to think about this study and how children

responded to such questions as; Which doll is smart? Which doll is

prettiest? Which doll is bad? Let’s talk about how this study impacted


  1. How did you feel when you watched the video that showed the

reactions of children in the doll study?

  1. Where you surprised by the responses of children to the questions

posed by the researchers? Why or why not?

  1. What can we as educators do to change children’s reactions to messages that young children learn from society about race?
  1. What can we do in the classroom to create an environment where ALL

children feel confident, competent and proud of their appearance