Writing Assignment 2411

Instructions:Choose one of the two readings from below. Then use the three concepts from the

list to analyze the experiences discussed in the reading (similar to what we did in class). For each
concept you should select one or two short excerpts (direct quotes) from the reading and discuss
why and how each concept/theory is a central part of what the writer is arguing.
In terms of how to structure your answer, it will be useful to define the concept/theory first and
then incorporate an example from the reading. (For instance, if you choose Friedan and you are
working with ‘patriarchy’, you might begin by saying: patriarchy is defined as ____________.
Within the reading, an example of patriarchy is when Friedan states that ____________.)
As stated above, you should use direct quotes from the reading to help support your argument.
However, remember that quotes do not ‘speak for themselves’. It is your job to describe for the
reader (Professor Crawford) the significance of the quote as it relates to the concept you are
focusing on. In addition, remember to include a page number at the end of the quote and try to
avoid (or significantly reduce) quotes that are longer than 3-4 lines in your paper.
Also, even though definitions of the concepts tend to overlap, be sure to discuss and analyze each
as its own separate and discrete concept. Therefore, it might be useful to discuss each concept in
its own separate paragraph.
Be sure to include both concepts/theories from whichever reading you choose. Your paper
should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced, and 12 pt font.

Friedan “The Problem That Has…”
-Binary Logic

or Lorde “The Master’s Tools will Never…”

-Binary Logic

