Working On Architecture


1. 1-page narrative

c. Times New Roman font – 12 pt

d. Name, date, and course ( in that order)

e. Include the prompts used to generate the text on a separate page

2. 5 ai-generated images

f. Printed with color on 11×17

g. Include the prompts used to generate the images on the same page


Getting Started

1. ChatGPT-

a. Sign up using school email

b. Start by simply asking a question – you can build on specific answers / Create Question regarding ((architecture))

generated by the program i.e. “elaborate on previous sentence”


2. Midjourney

a. Download Discord onto personal computers

b. Join Midjourney beta, this will redirect you back to Discord

c. Commands

i. /subscribe

ii. /info

iii. /imagine … type in prompts

3. References

