Topic: “Spring is coming and so are higher gas prices”
Podcast link:…
After the ten minute timer goes off, you are allowed to stop writing. You can stop in mid-sentence if
you want to. Or you can complete your thought. That is up to you. Because you will not be pausing to
think about what you are writing, your free-write should end up being between 250 words.
The rules for free writing are very specific. Once you start writing, you must
keep writing without stopping for the full ten minutes. Your hands must keep writing/typing the entire
time. You are not allowed to pause to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it.
You are not allowed to cross out, delete, or correct anything you have written. Do not worry about
spelling or grammar or typos. Do not worry about whether what you are saying is interesting or correct
or accurate or clever. Your job is to write where your brain takes you in response to the news you
listened to, regardless of whether what you write is academic, related to something you learned in class,
connected to a memory, an opinion, an experience you’ve had with the company, etc. Your job is to just
keep spilling out words that have some connection to the stories just heard. The only constraint is that
you should set an intention that your writing should be a response to the program, not a summary.