Wellness Ques 1


After this assignment you will understand:

  1. How to analyze and respond to issues with written policy.
  2. How to use business related skills, practices, or theories to help solve complex issues for leadership.


After doing this assignment you will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate your knowledge of policies and how to evaluate policies that have positive or negative outcomes.


  1. Research a current policy issue with health implications and then answer the following questions:
  • What is the purpose of the policy?
  • Describe the issue. What is the problem? Who does it affect? Why is it a problem?
  • Describe the policy history of this issue and previous efforts to address or solve this problem.
  • Evaluate the pros and cons of the policy. Look at potential problems with implementation.
  • Offer at least one solutions to the problem. Make sure they are supported by facts and are well referenced