Week 3 Discussion Situational Leadership Model

Week 3 Video

Week 3 Video

Situational Leadership Model Explained (10:01)

Watch this video to complete the Week 3 Discussion Board.

This video will explain the Situational Leadership Model and its latest version developed by Kenneth Blanchard (also called SLII or SL2). It will look at an example of how to use the model and explain the differences from the original version of the model developed by Hersey and Blanchard.

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  • Watch the Situational Leadership Model Explained video. After watching the video:
    1. Identify and discuss the 4 development levels. Describe you current level of development.
    2. Discuss the 4 leadership styles and how they relate to the individual employee and situation.
    3. Which style does your boss use with you? Does it align with your development level? Explain the consequences of a match or mismatch.

    “You can be an island of excellence in a sea of mediocrity” – Stephen R. Covey