Weather And Climate Scientific Paper 1

We have been working to investigate weather and climate at a location you chose from around the world. The purpose of this paper is to look at the most recent full year of weather data (2023) in the your city and compare it with the 30 year climatic average to see if there are any discernible changes in atmospheric parameters or patterns between the two time-series (2023 and climate average). In order to evaluate these data and put them in context you need to describe the conditions that affect weather and climate in your city/region (such as geography, latitude, elevation, proximity to mountains, proximity to water (this is your location primer)). We are specifically looking at temperature and precipitation data. You have completed the following, and should include this graph:

Found the maximum, minimum and average temperature (degrees C) and total precipitation (mm) for each day/month of 2023 at this location and plotted the results on one graph.

You added the climatic average of temperature and precipitation daily/monthly over the course of a year at this site. Make sure you define what period of time this climatological data covers (given from your data source).

Your paper will bring all of this quarter’s work together in a single summary. You will follow the format below. Make sure to carefully document your paper as to what reference your information is taken from. Use the author date type scientific reference format (see website for citation format – modified CSELinks to an external site.). The text of your paper should NOT EXCEED 4 pages in length (double-spaced). (This does not include your tables, figures, and references.) The style should be clear, organized and well structured so that the reader can follow your logic. Please check your spelling and grammar.

If you think about it, you have essentially done all of this work. It is now time to pull it all together. Be sure to include:

city location;

link to placemark on map;

primer for city;

graph with 2023 and climate data;

explanation of 2023;

temperature pattern;

relationship to precipitation;

how information from primer influences these patterns;

explanation of climate average to 2023 temperature and precipitation

Scientific Paper Format

Title page with


Content pages with

ABSTRACT – short single-spaced summary at the head of the paper. This is designed so that readers can quickly determine if they are interested in the topic and should read further. Limited to 250 words

INTRODUCTION – What is this paper about? Give the reader a game plan for what will be covered where in your paper. This particular paper should include a description of the site, including physical conditions/geography that may affect the weather/climate and set the stage for observed weather/climate changes or air pollution issues at this location. What previous studies on weather and climate have been done in this area that would provide context for your study?

The INTRODUCTION should include your city location, placemark; primer

METHODS – A brief description of the methods (how, where, etc…) you used to collect your data.

RESULTS – An analysis of the data you collected.

The RESULTS should include graph with 2023 and climate data;explanation of 2023 (temperature pattern; relationship to precipitation; how information from primer influences these patterns);

DISCUSSION – Discuss how the physical setting and configuration of this city location determines the weather and climate in this area. Discuss how 2023 meteorological conditions are similar or different from climatological conditions at this location.

The DISCUSSION should include explanation of climate average to 2023 temperature and precipitation

CONCLUSION – Summarize the main results, outcomes and points of your paper.

Reference page with

LITERATURE CITED – only cite those papers mentioned in the text of your paper. A minimum of 5 references from peer-reviewed scientific journals, government reports, books or reputable meteorological data websites should be used to provide evidence and support for your discussion. Additional references, including reputable webpage sources, may be used as supplemental supporting evidence. Use the Modified CSE scientific citation formatLinks to an external site. when citing outside references in the text and putting together a bibliography.