Water Supply And Demand

Water Supply and Demand

Water supply (i.e., how much water an area or company has available) and demand (i.e., how much water customers want to use) are concerns for all locations, especially arid regions. If demand surpasses supply, a water shortage can have serious consequences. Water conservation includes measures that aim to make better use of the given water supply. There are many ways to increase supply or decrease demand. The two features are connected; in a way, a decrease in demand increases the water supply. It is important that you understand how regions can increase their water supply and how customers can decrease their demand, particularly if you plan to live in an area with strained water sources. Preferably, customers will initiate water efficiency techniques, but sometimes more extreme changes are necessary.

For this activity, you will read the three prompts provided and respond to two of them. Your responses should be brief, but you are should elaborate on your concept (e.g., what is greywater?) or provide a picture. You are not allowed to repeat the same idea for a given prompt; however, you may transfer someone else’s idea to a different prompt if it is applicable. You may also expand on ideas in a way that has not done before. This requires you to look over your peers’ responses before posting. Adding a picture and providing a caption may also add something new to the conversation.

Together, this class will build a comprehensive list of water conservation techniques.