W07 Swr 4 Integrating Sources

SWR #4: Integrating Source

SWR #4

Integrating Sources


As we’ve discussed in class, quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing are the three main ways to integrate another person’s ideas into your own work. And, whenever we incorporate someone else’s ideas in our work, whether we are quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing, we must cite the source using an in-text citation and a full citation page (which is called a References page in APA) at the end of the writing project. Quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing, and citing well allows us to give credit to the original writer and avoid plagiarism.

For this assignment, you will integrate at least one quote, one paraphrase, and one summary from one or more of the sources that you found, into your essay. While doing this, you must also demonstrate your ability to format a paper in APA style, including proper document (cover page, headers, etc.) and citation (in-text citations and References) formatting.

Writing Task

  • Identify parts of the texts that most relate to what you are explaining in your essay and highlight/annotate these areas for later use.
  • Revisit your essay about your connect to a piece of media or pop culture, and decide where you’d like to integrate ideas from the sources:

o Where does each piece of source information fit best?

o Where should you quote?

o Where should you paraphrase?

o Where should you summarize?

  • Once you’ve decided which parts of the source you will use and where and how you will use them…

o Set up your document in APA

o Complete your References

  • Integrate your chosen quote, paraphrase, and summary into your essay.

o Include an in-text citation with each of these!

o Don’t let your quote, paraphrase, or summary stand alone. Be sure to introduce and explain (or responding to) anything from an outside source.

Tip: Be sure to avoid plagiarism and quoting too much (which can also be considered plagiarism). Paraphrases and summaries should contain the same ideas as the original text but be completely IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Quotes, while effective, should be used minimally and only when the wording of the quote is so unique, interesting, or specific that paraphrasing or summarizing would be ineffective.

Evaluation Standards

SWR #4 Rubric

Integration of Sources (50)

There is at least one quote, one paraphrase, and one summary cited in the essay. Each of these is relevant to the section where it is cited and the essay as a whole. Quotes, paraphrases, and summaries are integrated well and are properly introduced, explained (or responded to), and cited.

APA (35)

The entire document, including the cover page (only in APA), headers, and References or Works Cited page, is correctly formatted in APA or MLA style. Times New Roman 12 pt. font and double-spacing are used throughout the paper.

Sentence Fluidity (20)

Sentences are well‐written, with varied sentence structure, and easy to follow.

Mechanics (15)

Writing is free of errors in punctuation and spelling.

Points Possible