To Write A Paper On Ferrari With The Paper

2. Company selection including back-up company. Due date: Wednesday, February 7, 2024 by 5:00 pm.

The first step is to select a target company; no two teams may work on the same firm. As such, submit a

back-up company in the event that two teams select the same firm. In that case, the first team to send email

me notification of their selection will be able to work on that company. Your selection must be a public firm

that operates in only one industry (e.g., Target Stores) or in a just a couple of highly related industries (e.g.,

UPS). Selecting a publicly traded firm allows you to have access to good information about the firm.

3. Full Report (32%): Due Friday, April 19, 2024 by 11:59 pm

You will write a thorough company analysis, which will include five parts.

Part 1. Executive Summary and Introduction: This part should start with an executive summary (1/2 page;

a brief summary of your full report) followed by an introduction (1 page; this part should specify the main

problems that you as the expert have identified with the company. You should provide a brief company

background including the company’s mission).

Part 2. External Analysis (3 pages): Conduct an analysis of your target firm’s business environment and

industry, following the content provided in the text, especially Chapter 3, and other materials in the course.

(see course learning objective 3).

Part 3. Internal Analysis (3 pages): First, conduct an analysis of your target firm, following the content

provided in the text, especially Chapter 4, other course materials, and resources available through the KSU

Library. This includes: 1) reviewing its market condition through an analysis of the firm’s competitive

standing relative to its most significant competitors. Second, compare and contrast the strategic characteristics

of your target firm with those of two of its key competitors (see course learning objectives 1& 2).

Part 4. SWOT analysis (1 page): to address how to create and sustain a competitive advantage.

Part 5. Recommendations (4 pages):

First, in light of the firm’s existing internal characteristics, its industry, and its competitors, review and

critique your target firm’s current business strategies and sources of competitive advantage. You should draw

upon the content provided in the text and other aspects of the course. Second, based on your analysis, identify

three alternative recommendations for your company. Consider these recommendations as high-level

strategies. Explain the pros and cons of each alternative strategy and based on these choose the most viable

strategy. Finally, identify and briefly explain the implementation steps of the chosen strategy (see course

learning objectives 4, & 5).

Guidelines. Double spaced, Times New Roman, Font 12. Paper should not exceed 13 pages in length excluding


Strengthening aspects in your report:

 Evidence of thorough company study.

 Judgments supported by evidence from the sources.

 Clear articulation of the issues you are addressing.

 Use of professional tools and concepts from the textbook.

 Justification for the recommendations that is consistent with company strategy and its resources.

Damaging aspects in your papers:

X Failure to ANALYZE. Don’t just give facts, please perform analyses!

X Failure to support opinions by evidence or logical explanation.

X ack of adequate outside research.

X Poorly edited or not organized or presented clearly.

X Exhibits that are irrelevant to the analysis.

Please see the grading rubric on D2L for more detail on how your paper will be evaluated.

Other requirements are:

 I take plagiarism very seriously. If your team plagiarizes others’ work in any way, everybody in the team will

receive a zero for this assignment.