the worksheets in your book and answer the questions and submit as an attachment or

Assignment1 This folder contains the electronic version of worksheet one and nine in WORD format and the dropbox to submit the assignment.  If you cannot access them electronically, simply access the worksheets in your book and answer the questions and submit as an attachment or in the reply box. Open worksheets 1 and 9 supplied electronically in the Assignment Folder. If you do not have the 2007 version of MSWord you may not be able to access them. However, these forms are simply the electronic version of the forms. The disk that comes with the book will also have these forms. For Module 1, you have a two-part assignment: 1) Complete worksheet 9 first, describing your organization. If you are not working for an organization, you can make up a fictional organization. For example, Afienko’s adult care facility for the handicapped. Create a mission and objectives for your organization. 2) Next, complete worksheet 1. List at least two, and up to four projects that you personally or your organization are working on or are interested in pursuing. Analyze each project and use this as a foundation for which one or more you want to move forward with. One of these will be the project you select for your course exercises. However, currently keep your options open as you progress through the course, you may change your mind several times as to which project to concentrate on in each exercise. Assignment 2 1) complete worksheet 2, letter of inquiry questionnaire. This will help you organize the material that should be included in the actual letter of inquiry to a funder. This is on page 27 of the book. The electronic version in WORD is supplied in this folder if you want to type directly into the form to submit. The disk which came with the book also contains the letter of inquiry questionnaire. Before you begin to type in it, make sure you are able to save the document. If you cannot access the files, simply answer the questions and submit. 2) submitting the actual letter. There is a sample letter of inquiry on pages 25-26. Be sure to include all the relevant contact information for your organization (or fictitious organization). Assignemt3 1) complete the Statement of Problem Questionnaire. You can use the electronic version and save with your answers filled in or you can submit a separate answer sheet. 2) use this information to write the Problem Statement. See the example on pages 34-35.