The 25 Pager

Hi Jordain.

Here is your draft with my feedback. It is improved since your last draft. However, I got about to page #4 before I stopped. I was completely lost. Your Lit Review should start with a full introductory paragraph or two around your topic including data, statistics, justification and its relevance to SW practice.

The second section should be a full discussion of your strategy including all of the sections listed in the checklist.

Then, you should dive into the justification of your framework as it relates to your topic and practice.

At that point, you should begin discussing the Literature starting broad with research on CSA in general, including all relevant areas including treatment. Then discuss CSA within the AA community, and how it differs from the broader population. Then you can discuss adults with CSA and how they are affected, and parents who have experienced CSA and finally parenting.

Then, you want to begin to narrow your topic further to AA parenting. Throughout all of these sections, you want to tie in SW practice.

The reader should be able to follow a line of logic and topic from one section to the other.

Keep in mind that you should have about 25 pages and 50-100 articles cited.

Let me know if you have any questions.