tell you that drugs get them through the day because school is boring, their families

In a 4-5 page paper You are working in a rehab center for teenagers. They tell you that drugs get them through the day because school is boring, their families are dysfunctional, and that they use them because their friends pressure them. Some tell you that their parent’s, aunts and uncles gave them their first exposure to marijuana, cocaine and meth. Yet others say they just like how some drugs calm them down and others speed them up. In 5-7 paragraphs A 13 year old boy living in urban poverty with his mother and six younger siblings is currently getting in trouble at school. He has never been in trouble before. But the teacher’s say he is becoming belligerent toward authority figures, sloppy in his schoolwork and ignoring friends he has had since kindergarten. He also is beginning to come to school with eyes glassy, bloodshot, half shut, a grin on his face and loads of snacks. He used to be athletic but now he sits around and does not appeared motivated to complete normal tasks he enjoyed last year. s mother has found small amounts of marijuana in the pockets of his jeans.