Discussion Board Prompt: Technology
Read Chapter 5 in the course text.
Read the Discussion Board Expectations
Respond to each of the following prompts:
Write a paragraph about the advantages of technology.
Give at least one example
Use citation from the textbook to support your ideas. (Saba, Chapter 5)
Write a paragraph about the disadvantages of technology.
Give at least one example
Use citations from the textbook to support your idea (Saba Chapter 5)
Write a paragraph about a problem you have had with technology.
Explain what the problem was/is.
How did you solve the problem or what are you doing to solve the problem?
What is one idea from the textbook that helps discuss the problem?
Use citations from the text to support your ideas. (Saba, Chapter 5)
original threads/posts should be at least 400-500 words total and have a least one clear and connected textbook reference from the specified chapter with a proper citation (chapter number, page number).
- Textbook references should come from the chapter(s) specified in the assignment prompt and be clearly connected to your post and the assignment topic.
- Be sure and include the chapter and page number from the textbook in your posts, for example (chapter 2, 59), just as you would do for any research paper/post!