taxis, buses, and trucks, as well as insurers, healthcare providers,and personal-injurylawyers. Ride sharing and reduced

CASE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Using the five forces framework, how would you char-acterize the competition in the automobile industry be-fore the recent disruptions brought by EVs, AVs, and ride sharing? 2. Using the five forces framework, how would you charac-terize the competition in this industry in 2040? 3. ON ETHICS: AVs threaten the livelihood of millions of people who drive taxis, buses, and trucks, as well as insurers, healthcare providers,and personal-injurylawyers. Ride sharing and reduced car ownership are bad news for car dealerships, repair shops, and parts makers. From a societal standpoint, do the pros of these new innovations outweigh the cons? Purchase the answer to view it