Stress And How It Impacts The Body And Your Health

Responses should thoroughly address each prompt. Your submission should be a Word document with numbered responses, at least one page long.

  1. In general terms, how would you explain how the body responds to a stressor from a physiological perspective? What happens in the body when you become stressed?
  2. What is the difference between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems?
  3. Why is stress such a destructive force, particularly chronic stress? What is the difference between acute stress and chronic stress?
  4. How does chronic stress affect the brain, particularly the parts of your brain that do complex processing (prefrontal cortex)?
  5. What other body systems are negatively affected by chronic stress?
  6. How does stress affect you personally? What are the main things you “stress” about?
  7. What are some specific ways you can mitigate stress in your life now?