Essay should be 3-5 pages in length; double-spaced.
Essay should be a Word or Pages document or PDF.
Essay is due on Tuesday, March 26.
Papers handed in late will lose credit!
2. Describe how the film reflects the time in which it was made?
3. Pick at least two major themes- as you see it- that the film raises.
4. Bring in sources describing the situation of Jews as shown in the film. Show how the
Jewish “condition” changed during the course of the film. In each case, be sure to cite the
source, even if it is from the Internet.
5. In the course of your description, identify at least three scenes (but no more than five)
that make your case. Reference any aspect of the scene that is appropriate: setting/mise
en scene, camera angle, dialogue, color or lack of it, editing/montage, etc.
6. Give your personal reaction to the film. Bring in your own life experience and how it
relates or does not relate to what you have screened and/or described.
7. If you are able, reference a film or book that you have seen/read in the last five years
that deals with similar issues- as you see it!
Be sure to cite every source, even if it is from the Internet.