The person I’ve decided to write about is myself I am originally from Haiti. I moved to America when I was 15 years old my parents my sister and brothers moved to America when I did we lived in Florida for one year then my dad got a job. At Mountaire Farm as a maintenance mechanic we ended up moving to Salisbury Md where I graduated from Parkside high school I didn’t attended college. I’m currently finishing my social worker degree work at the department of social services as a caseworker I’m currently married with three year-old daughter I love to travel the world. I love spending time with my family and I’ve been working on teaching my daughter about my biological roots. One major thing that affects my life is that my mother passed away suddenly four years ago she had a massive heart attack and since her passing I’ve been dealing with that trauma I’ve attended therapy. I spoke to counselor just so I could learn how to deal with the loss of my mother my mother and I were very close. She was my best friend and since her passing, I’ve been feeling empty inside . I’ve been focusing on self-care meditating. my sister lives in Florida with my younger brother. I’m planning to move back to Florida. Once I graduate from Salisbury University my dad currently lives in Maryland. He remarried after my mom’s passing and due to him remaining someone else that kind of put a stray in our relationship. Because I feel like he moved on really fast after my mom passed away, and he didn’t give us his children enough time to heal so therefore I resent him because he remarried one year after my mom passed away.
The submitted written document will be approximately between 6 and 8 pages in length and will be separated into three parts:
- Family Overview (Approximately 1 Page or Less)
- Describe the subject of your case study (from Biographical Case Study Part 1) as well as the other members of the individual’s family of origin. This idea of “family of origin” is going to mean different things in different family contexts, but I expect will in many cases describe family members with whom your subject lived during childhood.
- Be sure to outline the age differences and relationships in the family of origin. You may use a graphical representation if you want but it isn’t required.
- Describe relevant aspects of the client and other family members’ social identities, potentially including racial identity, ethnicity, sex/gender, sexuality, and other experiences that may help position the family’s experiences.
- Family Systems Interpretation (Approximately 3-4 Pages)
- Use family systems concepts to explore family dynamics. Students should address:
- the role of boundaries (both around and within the family system),
- sub-systems and structure,
- processes and feedback loops,
- and roles and equilibrium.
- Your subject is an adult, so you’ll be looking to summarize major aspects of the family’s history from your subject’s childhood using these concepts. Use your discretion to identify those family dynamics that seem most relevant.
- Use family systems concepts to explore family dynamics. Students should address:
- Theoretical Interpretation (Approximately 2-3 Pages)
- Choose one of the theoretical orientations we explored in class (either Bowenian Family Therapy, Structural Family Therapy, or Virginia Satir’s experiential approach) and apply it to the family system you’ve been describing in this paper, meaning your subject’s family of origin.
- Identify at least three major concepts from within the chosen theoretical orientation and use it to interpret dynamics within this family.
- End this section with an interpretation of the family’s historical functioning, highlighting both strengths and challenges, according to the chosen theory.
- Choose one of the theoretical orientations we explored in class (either Bowenian Family Therapy, Structural Family Therapy, or Virginia Satir’s experiential approach) and apply it to the family system you’ve been describing in this paper, meaning your subject’s family of origin.
Biographical Case Study Part 2 is worth 15% of your final grade. Exemplary work will earn the full 15 points. Satisfactory work will earn 12 points. A passing grade is 9 points.
This assignment addresses the following module learning objective(s):
- Discern salient systemic factors in family work that hinder and/or promote family well-being.
- Conceptualize client needs according to a model of family therapy.