- The submitted paper should bebetween 8-10 pages.5 PeerReviewed Articles with APA Format
- Background
- Discuss a thorough history of the social problem and the way that society and government has addressed the problem.Include relevant legislation and executive action concerning the problem.
- Describe the problem in terms of human needs and scope – who is affected by this problem and how are they affected? Include demographic data in this section.
- How has public discourse defined the problem? What does the public believe is the main cause of the problem and how is this different than what research about the problem shows?
- Discuss relevant policy initiatives that are currently dealing with this same problem on the local, state, national, and international levels.
- Discuss how you might construct a persuasive argument referring to issues, such as equity, liberty, security, welfare, efficiency, democracy to advance your argument.
- Discuss and critique at least two efforts that have already been made to address this issue.Identify advocacy groups, individuals, legislators, etc. who are involved in generating solutions to this issue.
- Human Rights Issues
- What are the social justice issues we need to focus on to bring attention to this social problem?
- What do you predict would happen if nothing was done to address this social problem?
- As human rights are the bedrock of social justice, what human rights are we speaking about in the context of the social problem you have identified?
- Using Article II of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the starting point, apply 2 UDHR articles to your argument for justice to address the social problem your paper is focused on.
- Social Action Change Strategy
- Design a social action change strategy by generating a potential solution to the identified social problem.
- Describe each step in your solution and what each step is intended to achieve.
- Provide specific illustrations of how your group will deal with the problem in a way that will change behavior (campaigns, media, stakeholder consultations, awareness raising events, etc.).
- Discuss what your group has done specifically to affect change in the chosen social problem area.
- Describe successes and failures in moving toward an effective policy solution to the problem.
- Possible levels of intervention include giving testimony, writing reports, information packets, or newsletters, create a Facebook page, make a film, engage in fundraising, utilize the DGSW Facebook page, prepare a musiccomposition, paint a piece of art, implementing a socially just clinical intervention.Lots of Latitude!
- What was achieved?What impact did your social action project have?
- Propose what successive steps would need to be taken to affect change in this area.
- Advanced Generalist Perspective
- Illustrate the actual micro, mezzo, macro impact and the potential future micro, mezzo, macro impact as relates to the profession of social work.
- Conclusion
- What did you learn about the social problem and what would an effective social policy to address the problem look like from a human rights perspective?
- What feedback did your group receive from participants in your social action project?
- What did your group do well and what could your group have done better?