Draft a qualitative research proposal on a topic of your choice. The proposal should cover the mainelements of a research proposal including a clearly-defined topic, research questions, anintroduction, and a literature review. It should also include a bibliography. This is a formativeassessment and assessment 3 will build on this discussion. There will be no discussion of themethodology in this assessment. This will be dealt with in Assessment 3.
Explanation of the assessment:
Your proposal should include the following:
A clearly defined topic1) The topic should be straight-forward and clear. It should give clear information about who isbeing studied, what is being studied, and where the study is being carried out. For example:“Perceptions of refugees in Glebe, Sydney: a case study of how refugees are viewed in atrendy, urban suburb”
.2) Where possible, give an indication of the theoretical framework you will be using to explorethis topic. For example:“A Phenomenological enquiry into the lived experience of ‘otherness’ in Australiansociety: A study of Muslim migrants in Sydney’s Western suburbs”
.An Introduction
3) The introduction should clearly discuss the background and social issue being explored. Itshould discuss why it is important to carry out this study (the justification for the study). Endthe introduction by identifying at least 5 research questions which you hope to find answersto
.A literature review
4) The literature review section should identify and discuss previous studies, seminal works,key theorists and researchers who have made important contributions to your topic. Youshould discuss and analyse their contributions. That is, look at the strengths andweaknesses in their work. Most importantly, try to identify gaps in the research. Keep inmind, the importance of identifying these ‘gaps’ since these gaps help justify the need foryou to carry out your proposed study. The theoretical approach to be taken in the proposedstudy should be introduced and justified in the literature review. Remember that thetheoretical framework is the lens through which you will explore your social issue. It helpsPage 2SOC301A – AB2, Research Proposalprovide the core concepts that you can use to understand the problem. So, think carefullyabout which theoretical framework can help you explain your topic best. For example, if Iam interested in studying “women in the workplace”, gender theories naturally come tomind because they have had a lot to say about women and the structural inequalities theyface in society.
As a minimum, you should review at least 10 key/seminal works on the topic for thisassessment. Remember that these do not need to be done individually, but can be done ingroups. We will discuss this further in collaborates. Minimum 10 referencing In-text references and reference list, including accuracy and useof correct referencing style