Four part assignment
SCHOLAR ACTIVITY #1: Observe the Communication Process (20 pts)
Observe, identify, explain, and apply a minimum of 5 elements from the communication process model to a dyadic communication event.
NOTE* Scholar Activities are collected in installments/groups at the time of our exams and are not submitted individually. Look for the “Scholar’s Activities Part 1” assignment to submit the first batch of activities.
- Select a location where conversation and interaction is high and observe a communication between two or more people. Real life makes for the best raw data. However, it is acceptable to instead observe and analyze a brief scene from film, television, or other media.
- Take detailed notes of the communication moment (what was the topic), the setting/environment, and the interlocutors involved. Apply the elements of the communication model to the situation.
- Identify AND explain each part of the model. (you must do both parts. see below for example)
- Provide an example of each part from the interaction that you are observing.
- If observing communication in real life: Be discreet, casual, and patient. Do not blatantly stare at the subjects as that will make them self-conscious and it will change the communication. Position yourself close enough to listen, but not so it makes you or the subjects uncomfortable. It may take a few attempts before you find a good interaction to observe.
Here’s an example
“I observed a dyad in the PCC library around 1pm. The pair were having a quiet conversation about their homework. Interlocutor A said they did not like the class very much. Interlocutor B responded that they liked the instructor, but found the subject boring. It was not crowded in the library. Just a few other students around.
The source is the origin of the message. In this event, A was the source because they began the conversation about not liking the class.
The receiver is the intended target of the message. Since B was who A directed the message at, B was the receiver.
- Continue until you have covered a minimum of five (5) elements
- Minimum requirement: 200 words
Scholar Activity #2: Identify the stages of culture shock (20 pts)
Apply the stages of culture shock to either a personal experience or an example from film/tv/literature/etc.
- Describe a personal experience where you were introduced to a new culture that you had to learn and felt frustrated and foreign as you tried to acculturate.
- Use the 4 steps of culture shock discussed in the page on learning other cultures and apply them to your experience. Be sure to explain how each step was experienced. Be specific.
- OR
- Use an example from film, television, literature, or some other medium.
- Follow the same instructions for the personal experience option and use them here.
Write a minimum of 200 words (1 page, double-spaced 12 pt Times New Roman font).
Scholar Activity #4: Self-Concept Narrative (20 pts)
- Apply the four primary sources that influence self-concept to your self.
- Consider the four primary sources that shape and inform our self-concept: social comparisons, cultural teachings, others images of you, and your own/interpretation/evaluation.
- Write out how you see these forces shaping your self-concept as you’ve grown in to the person you are today.
- Which source do you believe has had the largest impact on you? What the least?
- How would characterize your self esteem? Would it be more positive or negative, and what can you personally do to understand yourself better and to value yourself more positively than now?
- Be specific when providing examples of each source.
- OR
- Use an example from film, television, literature, or some other medium.
- Follow the same instructions for the personal experience option and use them here.
Write a minimum of 200 words (1 page, double-spaced 12 pt Times New Roman font)