Revise Chapter 2 1

Please restructure Chapter 2 (the attached chapter 2 – review of literature document). Make sure you grade the rubrics in each section as well. Meaning score yourself on each section. What do you believe your score is in each section? The chapter is already completed. It just needs to be revised, restructured, and a bit of additional information needs to be added to the chapter. Review what you need to do below:

1. Conceptual Framework

This section describes the conceptual framework used to frame this study.

Explain the conceptual framework section in detail. Then give the three sections that relate to the conceptual framework. Look at the example document and how it is set up in the conceptual framework section. There needs to be a proper flow in writing. The current document needs to mirror the sections in the example document.

You see how in the example document has the framework used to frame this study? Mine is on Travelbee. Their framework is broken down into each section that their model pertains to. They thoroughly explain the conceptual framework; then they explain in detail each section (mine would be first encounters, emerging identities, empathy, and sympathy). Theirs was imagery , goal setting, etc.

2. Then the review of literature section has the title review of literature, History of PST (in this case History of Telemedicine), application and use, Efficacy.

3. Now move on to writing about the several themes that emerged in the literature that you reviewed. In theirs they have the title self confidence (mine would be physicians) as one of the themes (Explained in detail), Telemedicine, and patient Physician Rapport.

Look at the example dissertation worksheets and restructure it to the point that it makes sense when someone is reading the chapter. This was not done accurately so it must be redone for points. Again, look at the attached pdf example dissertation templates for proper completion of chapter 2. There are still too many headings in this document. Read the example dissertation document so that you are aware on how you should structure mine. You need to PROPERLY synthesize the information so that there is an exact flow of ideas.