Retail Assignment 2

Objective: To simulate an actual Collection Buy, choosing the styles from the attached vendor [Nike] line sheet, merchandising them on the fixtures and adding up the total buy at cost and retail and inserting on the excel purchase order sample .

Step One

Attached is the line list from Nike Girls activewear delivery. Review the styles and
the assortment. You will make decisions on what styles you want to buy based on LY [Last Year] history, the forecasting sites and your great taste for fashion!
Your job will be to BUY the best assortment of styles to fill 2-four ways and 3-T Stands
and one wall bar.
You may eliminate any style. Remember you cannot buy it all -please back up your decision with trend /forecast research.

Customer Profile: An upper middle class older Millennial woman who wants her little girl to look fashionable and trendy in Nike branded activewear.
Create a brief powerpoint [submitted as a PDF] illustrating the buy.

Step Two

Show by style # and picture cad how you will merchandise each style on the floor. See Excel Spreadsheet for Fixture setup.
Below is an example of how you will set up the merchandise on the fixtures and the total amount of units that will fit on a fixture arm. (You can change the layout but not the fixtures). Base quantities to buy are 12 pieces per arm per T-stand and 18 pieces per arm per 4-way. There is also one wall bar with 12 pieces as the capacity.
Note: You do not have to buy only one style per arm. You may split up quantities. For example 6 tops and 6 bottoms, or 12 bottoms and 6 jackets. (Work in increments of 6 since most styles in these price points are purchased in dozens or half dozens). Merchandise the collection, that is the fun part – so use your creativity! (See Excel Worksheet for visual of fixtures).

Step Three

1.You are a chain of small stores in New Jersey You have 6 stores, On the purchase order fill in total quantity by style purchased, and total quantity by 6 stores. (Use a real or made up retailer name).

2.Reminder- You have ONE ‘cluster’ so create ONE buy and multiply by 6 stores to get total cost and retail for your purchase order calculations. Assume all doing the same volume. (Hint: that means that you will multiply your total initial store layout by 6).

3.Fill in retail price point from line sheet. You have negotiated a 50% markup for the collection. Calculate all costs with this markup and fill in to the cost on purchase order. Calculate markup for each style and cumulative markup at the bottom of the purchase order. MU= Retail-Cost Retail Step Four

  1. Create a classification analysis by units in Excel for TY (this year) buy and compare it to LY (last year). Use the chart below as a guideline. Units can be approximate when you are working in $.
    2. Create a tops to bottom ratio % by units.(review the powerpoint if needed).
    Sum how many tops and divide in to total units. Sum total bottoms and divide in to total units. Top divided by bottom = the %.
    P.O Details: This delivery is early Fall 9/1-9/15 in-store.
    PO # is 3452312 and the vendor number is 329.
    You may use a (real) retailer name of your choice or that which you have been researching in prior assignments!