To develop the content for your presentation, record detailed notes as you complete the following steps: •Review the information about the continuum and coordination of services presented in the Learning Resources, including the HIMSS resource, Continuum of Care, and the tables in Chapter 1 of the course text. •Develop a brief description of a hypothetical adult patient has a serious health problem or injury. Imagine this patient lives in your local area. If you are an student, you may choose a geographic area in the United States or use your own location. •Use the pertinent information in Chapters 7, 8, 9, and/or 10 of the Shi & Singh textbook and conduct additional of your own to analyze specific services your hypothetical patient might need, beginning with the onset or of an illness or injury and concluding with an end-point of your choosing (i.e., recovery, symptom , end of life). Also research the types of organizations that provide those services. •Investigate the health care organizations in your local area. Based on the services your hypothetical patient needs, select four or five actual settings in which he/she would receive care. •Next, gather information related to the types of insurance from which each organization accepts payment. Typically, this would include Medicare, Medicaid, and various types of insurance programs. What challenges do you anticipate your patient may have related to payment for services? •Review the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (2014) resource and consider what it means for health care to be safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable. Analyze how the scenario you have created—with your hypothetical patient receiving services from actual settings in your geographic area—illustrates positive or negative attributes related to two or more of the six Institute of aims. •Next, prepare to create your presentation using PowerPoint. Examine the Presentation Guidelines and Tips and the Week 3 Assignment Template, both found in this week’s Learning Resources.