Ethnographic Project/Paper (30%): Your paper on Prison Religion should be 10-12 pages long, Times New Roman 12pt font, double-spaced, with an additional Bibliography of ten scholarly sources (annotated: 2-3 sentences). You are required to have in-text citations and a references page listing your ten outside resources. The full paper is due on Friday March 15th by 11:59PM and is worth 30% of your overall grade in the course. You will submit your paper on the course website as a .doc or .pdf file. A program called Turnitin will check your paper for evidence of plagiarism. If you plagiarize, you should seriously question whether you should be in university at all.
This ethnographic project and paper will reflect your active participant-observational research into some form of engagement this quarter in LA’s religious scene and one particular community’s relationship with the prison, including involvement with “prison ministry,” or congregational proximal relations (people from the congregation formerly or currently locked-up), and/or wider historical, social, or political engagement with the prison, whether internal or external. Students will need to begin their ethnographic project by the 3rd week of class. This is to help you get the most out of this experience. Students may work in a group of two or individually for this research. Every student must turn in separate individually-written research papers, even if working in a group for research.
Research Project and Paper (15%):
One very important aspect of social science research is observing various social settings. In this class you will be conducting a research project and then completing a final research paper. You may choose any religious community you wish that meets in the Los Angeles region. You may do the field research as part of a group of no more than two people, but if you choose to do group work, each paper must be completed individually. We will discuss this assignment further during the second week of class when you will pick groups and organizations for this assignment.
Research Paper format (with ASA guidelines available hereLinks to an external site. or quick tips hereLinks to an external site.):
This paper should follow a general format of (1) Introduction to subject with stated thesis; (2) a background sketch of the history, geography, and beliefs of the religion, and the communities understanding and lived-experience of life in relationship to the prison; (3) a presentation of ethnographic research findings; (4) a summary conclusion with recommendations.
Bibliography (5%):
With the completed paper (as one complete document), Due Friday March 15 by 11:59PM, you will need to include an annotated research bibliography with a short summary of each of the ten outside research sources. The brief summaries should be two-three sentences long describing the paper or book and why the work is relevant to your project. You will need to make sure these sources are included in your research paper.