From the given data, use all the machine learning models and predict the next month’s return in python.
Linear Regression:
Support Vector Regression (SVR):
Random Forest Regression
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)
Time Series Regression Models
Panel data estimation
The project proposal should address your research question/s and clearly define the problem you intend to solve. In addition, the proposal should describe your motivation and expected contribution of the work. Consider the proposal as your research plan that contains your hypothesis, prospective dataset, proposed methodology to analyze the data, and an outline of a model-checking framework that you will use to evaluate results. Finally, the proposal should also discuss the current state of the literature on the selected research problem and identify the research gap. Therefore, before writing your research proposal, I suggest you do an extensive literature review. on the research topic/problem and choose the one that interests you most and suits your expertise.
There is no page limit for the proposal. I value quality over quantity. However, a good proposal for a graduate course like this should be about 6-12 pages. Instructions are provided at the end of this document.