Research Paper Digital Piracy And Copyright Infringement

    Individual Research Paper

    My groups topic is “Copyright/Patents ethical issues related to technology and cyberspace.”

    My Subtopic I choose to write about is “Digital Piracy and Copyright Infringement”

    for example:Issues surrounding illegal downloading, sharing, and distribution of copyrighted materials such as music, movies, software, and books.

    Before you Start:

    Please note that thisassignment is required to complete the course. Students who do notsubmit the research paper, submit a highly incomplete work, or submit apaper with a higher than the maximum acceptable Turnitin score willreceive a failing grade (F) for the course per accreditationrequirements.

    Before starting to work on this assignment, make sure you review allthe learning materials provided in the modules. Make special emphasis onreviewing the basics of how to conduct research and write a paper usingthe APA standard explained in Module 1.


    In this assignment, students will research a specific ethical issuerelated to technology from an assigned general topic to produce awell-written paper that examines the issue from multiple perspectiveswhile providing personal insights and reflections that expand on whatwas learned in class.

    To guide students’ focus, a pre-assigned general topic has beenassigned for members of each group from a list of ethical topics relatedto technology. Each student will need to select a specific and distinctethical issue (sub-topic) from within their group’s assigned generaltopic. Students are free to select any ethical issue as long as it isrelated to technology, is within their assigned general topic, and issufficiently distinct from any other selected sub-topics within theirgroup.

    Before starting this task, students are encouraged to meet with theirgroup to discuss their general topic, share resources, coordinatedistinct sub-topics, brainstorm ideas, and reflect on experiences. Eachstudent should think critically about ways to address a specificsub-topic issue. Ethical issues should be analyzed from differentperspectives making sure to include the student’s personal point of viewin the form of related experiences, thoughts, and reflections.

    Learning Outcomes:

    • Learn how to produce a well-written and well-researched paper using the APA standard addressing a specific ethical issue from an assigned general topic related to technology.
    • Demonstrate comprehension of topics learned in the class bypresenting logical arguments on an ethical issue related to technology.
    • Develop and support a specific standpoint on an ethical issue related to technology grounded on research.
    • Analyze ethical issues informed by research and include global, local, and international perspectives.

    Topic Selection:

    • Before you start, make note of your assigned team number on Canvas,and find the group’s designated general topic in the Appendix section ofthese instructions (for example, if you are in Team 6, then yourgeneral group topic would be “Medical-health ethical issues related to technology and cyberspace.”).
    • Within the general topic assigned to your group, select a specific ethicalissue/case/position you want to address as the sub-issue for your paper(for example, if your general topic was: “Cybersecurity-cybercrimeethical issues”, a possible example of a specifically related sub-issueyou could use as your individual research paper’s sub-topic could be:”The negative ethical implications of cyberattacks in future electronicvoting systems”).

    Topic Selection Requirements:

    • Sub-topic (and paper) must focus on a specific ethical issueassociated with your group’s general topic available by clicking HERE.
    • Your specific sub-topic must be unique within your group. Therefore,all individual topics must be discussed within the group to avoidduplicates. If two students address the same sub-topic in their paperswithin their groups, both may receive a failing grade for theassignment.
    • Addressing the specific ethical sub-topic (issue or case) related toyour group’s general topic is the most important requirement of thepaper. Your paper must focus on the ethical implications of yoursub-topic.

    Paper Structure:

    Your APA paper should include these sections/elements:

    1-. Title Page:

    • Your paper should begin with a title page that follows APA format. It includes the paper’s title, a “running head”, author name(s), and institutional affiliation of the author(s).
    • Your title should be interesting and inform the reader of your topic.
    • Do not add any backgrounds or images and make sure it conforms to APA standards as instructed.

    2-. Abstract:

    • An abstract page should include thepage header. On the first line of the abstract page, center the word“Abstract” (no bold, formatting, italics, underlining, or quotationmarks).
    • Beginning with the next line, write aconcise summary of the key points of your research. Do not indent. Anabstract should summarize your research topic, research questions/thesis, participants, methods, results, data analysis, and conclusions.
    • Your abstract should be a single paragraph double-spaced.
    • Your abstract should be between 150 and 200 words.
    • Avoid citing sources in your abstract.The abstract should focus on your original research, not on the work ofothers. It should be self-contained and fully understandable withoutreference to other sources.
    • At theend of your abstract, add 4 to 5 keywords, as shown in APA. Keywords area tool to help indexers and search engines find relevant papers.

    3-. Introduction:

    • In general, all papers should begin with an introduction that includes a well-defined thesis statement.
    • While it is not part of APA, make sure your thesis statement is underlined so I can easily identify it when reading your paper. Papers that do not underline the thesis statement may receive a significantly lower grade.
    • The thesis statement is the most important part of your introduction and demarks the direction of your paper (see handout HERE
    • on a good/bad thesis).
      • Take time to create your thesisstatement based on your research question(s) and make sure it includesall the components mentioned in the lectures and handouts.
    • The purpose of the introduction is thesame as any research paper: in one to two paragraphs, briefly introduceand state the issue/thesis to be examined.
    • The introduction always states what you are trying to prove/disprove in the paper. It also summarizesor discusses relevant prior research, identifies unresolved issues thatthe current research will address, and provides an overview of theresearch that is to be described in greater detail in the sections tofollow.

    4.1-. Body:

    • After the introduction, the main body of the paper will follow.
    • The body of your paper must discuss your thesis and develop supporting and opposing well-referenced arguments (make sure both sides are included).
    • The body of your paper must focus on addressing the specific ethical issue(s) related to a technology you selected in your thesis without deviating from the topic. It must not include long historical backgrounds or simply recounts of references without analysis.
    • The body of your paper must have atleast one paragraph establishing the connections between your specificresearch and the class lectures, assigned videos, and discussions.
    • The body of your paper paragraphs must have no less than four but no more than six sentences.
    • The body of your paper paragraphs must support the particular thesis statement with evidence/examples.
    • The body of your paper should clearlyshow that your argument/critique/analysis is moving in a certaindirection (the direction outlined in your introduction).
    • Subheaders and literal quotes should be very limited or not present in your paper.

    4.2-. Global Perspective Analysis:

    • Close to the end of the body section of your paper, butbefore its conclusions, you must include a section containing a clearanalysis of the global technology impact related to your topic. The analysis should explore the effects of the technology you chose to focus your paper on from a global perspective and scale. It should also focus on one or more specific areas of worldwide impact.
    • The global technology impact analysis must include at least 150 words.
    • While it is not part of APA, make sure your global perspective analysis is underlined so I can easily identify it when reading your paper. Papers that do not underline the global perspective analysis may receive a significantly lower grade.

    5-. Conclusions:

    • Bring cohesion to your paper by clearly reiterating your main points.
    • Summarize your themes and sub-points.
    • Explain what was suggested in the body of your paper.
    • Tie up your argument and drive home your thesis statement.
    • You should attempt to show that your thesis has been proven, but if not, explain why.

    6.1-. References and Citations:

    A minimum of 5 references (sources) from peer-reviewed journal articles must be used for this paper with the following considerations:

  • Peer-reviewed journal articles must be your main support source in the paper.
  • Consult the FIU Online Research Guide for Students
  • Wikis and blogs are not acceptable sources for references in your paper.
  • All 5 peer-reviewed journal articles selected must be referenced in the body of your paper.
  • Do not overly rely on any one single source.
  • References should be relatively recent (less than 10 years old).
  • While materials covered in ourlectures and discussions can be used for reference, they will not counttowards the minimum required.
  • The length and number of literal quotes should be minimal in the paper (no more than two).

6.2-. In-Text Citations (APA Format):

  • Besides the detailed list of sources shown in the reference section, in-text citations are an indispensable requirement for any research paper that needs to be included every time you reference an article, author, or source in your paper.
    • Papers that do not include any in-text citations may receive a failing grade.
  • In-text citations support your points and allow you to develop your thesis.
  • Rather than footnotes or endnotes, the APA standard uses in-text citations with a specific format.
  • All 5 peer-reviewed journal articles selected must be referenced in the body of your paper.
  • Avoid the use of excessive or lengthy in-text citations that identify ideas, information, or words from a particular source.

Paper Format & Requirements:

  1. Paper length: 1000 words minimum (1100 words maximum) excluding title page, abstract, references, any tables, figures, literal quotes, or appendixes.
  2. The paper must use APA style rules.
  3. All references listed in the References section must have at least one corresponding in-text reference in the paper’s body. In-text citations are required for the paper. Papers that do not include any in-text citations may receive a failing grade.
  4. The thesis statement and global perspective analysis in the paper’s body must be underlined.
  5. The paper must be submitted in a Microsoft Word file. You should use the Microsoft Word APA template available
  • .
  • To be accepted and avoid receiving a failing grade, your paper’s Turnitin originality score must be less than 15%. Instructions on how to review your Turnitin score can be found
    • Ifyour Turnitin similarity score is too high or close to the maximumallowed, you must revise your paper to lower it.
  • Make sure to use the ETSgrammar-checking tool in Turnitin before submitting your paper. It is also highly recommended that you check your paper several times using free available tools like Grammarly
  • To be accepted, the paper must useappropriate language and tone (do not use inappropriate words,profanity, violence incitement, etc.).