Research Paper 4602

Title: Research Paper

● Formalities: APA

– for this assignment, you must follow the APA formalities.

– 50% of your work will be based on the accuracy of the AP citation rule

– your paper must include: (1) 10+ journal references, (2) 10+ law references, and (3) 5+ cases references

– The details of the APA citation can be found at the following links

Ref1 (brief):

Ref (detailed):

topic is (Gendered Diplomacy: An Analysis of Women’s Participation in International Relations in Saudi Arabia)

● Format

– While there is no unified format for the paper, your paper should include the following items

– Points will be distributed as follows: analysis of existing argument (35%), analysis of existing law and theories (35%), your argument (20%), introduction (10%)

Details of The Format/Structure

● Paragraph 1 – Background and Introduction

(1) Length: 200 words

(2) Content:

– outline the purpose of the paper

– outline the structure of the paper

– thesis statement
– find 2-3 news articles that discuss the issue

– summarize the articles (following the APA citation rule)

– then, in the last paragraph, write a statement that highlights the need to explore this topic

● Paragraph 2 – Legal References

(1) Length: 200 words

(2) Content:

– In this section, please include all relevant laws about your topic

– You should be specific as to the law (Name of the Law, Number of the Article, and Legal Statutory designation of the law) [E.g., Article 2, Basic Law of Governance, No: A/90, Dated 27th Sha’ban 1412 H (1 March 1992)] [NOTE: this citation is critical in all academic research papers]

– You do not have to write out in full what the article relates to but must indicate the Article designation.

– When listing relevant laws, you should try to introduce (1) the history behind the law, (2) the purpose behind the law, and (3) the relationship among the laws you are using for this paper

NOTE: make sure you refer to the specific legal provisions instead of the generic law itself. The purpose of your paper is not to compare the entire law but a specific aspect/topic within the law.

● Paragraph 3 – Policy References, Announcements from the Government, and/or Judicial Decisions

(1) Length: 200 words

(2) Content:

– In this section, you are going to introduce developments in policy, government announcements, and judicial decisions from the courts about the topic

– For some topics, you will not be able to find an English version, so it is ok to rely on an Arabic version for your reference

– When you are referring to these sources, provide the official name/document number/date/year of the reference

– Briefly summarize why the policy/announcement/judicial decision you have mentioned is relevant to the topic

● Paragraph 4 – Existing Arguments and Journal

(1) Length: 200 words

(2) Content:

– this is the most critical aspect of the Literature Review: no matter what topic you choose, someone would have written about the issue through journals, blogs, etc.

– therefore, you must find ten different journals/blogs about this issue

– Then, summarize these arguments. However, when summarizing these different perspectives, try to categorize them into similar ideas.

● Paragraph 5 – Your Arguments

(1) Length: 200 words

(2) Content:

– NOW, you will start making your argument, and for this

a. please comment on the existing argument under Paragraph 4

you can criticize them, analyze them, or/and support them

b. please develop your argument

talk about what you argument is

tell the reader how they are similar and/or different from the existing argument

argue why your argument is appealing

support your argument with relevant facts

c. Talk about the anticipated outcome and contribution when your argument is realized

● Paragraph 6 – Conclusion

(1) Length: 200 words

(2) Content:

– highlight the need to conduct this research and address the topic

– summarize what you have written in Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, and 5

– emphasize your argument and the anticipated outcome and what further steps are required to realize your argument in reality.