referenced accurately. Recommended: Before you begin, review the Writing Resources area on your tab located

The Medication Paper Outline The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a complete, organized, detailed outline of your medication paper in APA format with sources cited and referenced accurately. Recommended: Before you begin, review the Writing Resources area on your tab located on the top menu of your main Blackboard page for examples and review chapters 9, 13, and 14 in (APA). Adhere to the following guidelines for drafting and submitting your outline: The outline includes several high quality, thought provoking ideas/points which are skillfully used to creatively and completely support the thesis. Outline demonstrates a well-balanced approach to researching the topic (subcategories are of equal significance under each body paragraph). Subtopics are specific and avoid generalities. Subtopics demonstrate extensive research and thought on the topic. The thesis is concise and clearly articulated in the beginning. Subtopics are pertinent and highly relevant to the main body paragraphs. Detailed, meaningful quotations and paraphrases aptly and accurately support the topic evenly throughout each subtopic.