recording companies receive from royalty fees c. the act of offering radio stations free promotional

penalties 3 points a. on webcasts b. in television commercials c. on satellite radio d. on AM radio 3 points a. they worry that too few people will hear their music b. they dislike companies that use CDs instead of vinyl records c. they might

a. financial compensation   provided to DJs for playing certain records b. the low profits that   recording companies receive from royalty fees c. the act of offering   radio stations free promotional materials in exchange for playing certain   artists more often d. a form of legal   protection for copyrighted products 3 points True False 3 points a. ​payola b. royalty fees c. ​fines d. penalties 3 points a. on webcasts b. in television commercials c. on satellite radio d. on AM radio 3 points a. they   worry that too few people will hear their music b. they dislike companies   that use CDs instead of vinyl records c. they might receive less money   in royalty fees d. they resent industry control   over their music 3 points True False 3 points True False 3 points True False 3 points True False 3 points a. recording companies b. Talented singers and musicians c. MP3 exchange services d. technical producers 3 points a. He believed that radio was   best suited for broadcasting music that people could listen to in their own   homes. b. He believed that radio   should feature fictional programming instead of just musical programming. c. He believed that radio   broadcasting should function like a democratic forum where any individual who   wanted to get the equipment and broadcast could have that opportunity. d. He believed that   radio’s function was to serve educational interests that trained the American   citizenry. 3 points True False 3 points True False 3 points a. ​Frank Conrad b. ​Howard Armstrong c. ​Guglielmo Marconi d. ​David Sarnoff 3 points a. ​subsidiary b. branch​ c. ​satellite d. ​affiliate 3 points a. Regulation b. None of the above c. Syndication d. Vertical integration 3 points True False 3 points True False 3 points True False 3 points a. ​ they are not subject to FCC obscenity rules b. ​ they have larger distribution networks with many international   subscribers c. ​ they offer a more flexible schedule d. ​ the leadership of these networks is less strict   about content produced