Read Morling Chapters 9 10 11 12 13 14 And Answer Questions

Read each of the assigned chapters in Research Methods in Psychology. Then, answer the following questions with thorough explanations. Each question should, on average, take 1 – 2 pages to answer with a final page count of no more than 5 double-spaced pages. Don’t hesitate to do additional reading outside of the two texts if you need more clarity on the concepts discussed. If you do consult other works, be sure to correctly cite these sources in your reference page along with the two main texts for the course. Remember to integrate information from the textbooks with your answers and cite accordingly.

After reading chapter 9, answer the following:

  • Learning Actively Activity #3

After reading Chapter 10, answer the following:

  • Learning Actively Activity #3

Research Progress Report

The research report section of your worksheets is a progressive assignment that you will complete each week and assemble into a report and will act as the subject of your research oral report during week 8 of the course. You do not need to submit your previous week’s work along with that which is due this week.

a) RESULTS: Briefly summarize the research participants, sampling procedure, sampling size, and results in the published article you selected.


Read each of the assigned chapters in Research Methods in Psychology. Then, answer the following questions with thorough explanations. Each question should, on average, take 1 – 2 pages to answer with a final page count of no more than 5 double-spaced pages. Don’t hesitate to do additional reading outside of the two texts if you need more clarity on the concepts discussed. If you do consult other works, be sure to correctly cite these sources in your reference page along with the two main texts for the course. Remember to integrate information from the textbooks with your answers and cite accordingly.

After reading chapter 11, answer the following:

  • Learning Actively: Choose and complete one activity from activities 1-3

After reading Chapter 12, answer the following:

  • Learning Actively Activity #2

Research Progress Report

The research report section of your worksheets is a progressive assignment that you will complete each week and assemble into a report and will act as the subject of your research oral report during week 8 of the course. You do not need to submit your previous week’s work along with that which is due this week.

a) DISCUSSION: Briefly summarize the discussion section of the article you selected.


Read each of the assigned chapters in Research Methods in Psychology. Then, answer the following questions with thorough explanations. Each question should, on average, take 1 – 2 pages to answer with a final page count of no more than 5 double-spaced pages. Don’t hesitate to do additional reading outside of the two texts if you need more clarity on the concepts discussed. If you do consult other works, be sure to correctly cite these sources in your reference page along with the two main texts for the course. Remember to integrate information from the textbooks with your answers and cite accordingly.

After reading chapter 13, answer the following:

  • Learning Actively Activity #2

After reading Chapter 14, answer the following:

  • Learning Actively Activity #1

Research Progress Report

a) PREPARE AN ORAL PRESENTATION: Gather all the sections of the Research Reports that pertain to the published empirical article you selected. Then, prepare a summary of that material for an oral presentation to be given in Session Eight.

3. Prepare to deliver an oral presentation of your research project. Be prepared to answer questions and to receive comments after your oral presentation.