Read Instructions Carefully 8

Please write an annotated bibliography for every primary source PDF we have read since (and including) Module 7 and submit it here.

An annotated bibliography is a works cited/bibliography page with a brief (2-5 sentence) description of the source after each works cited entry.

The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to help you organize the primary sources you have read thus far in the semester and to help remind you of what they were about after you have read them. This can be useful for reviewing for quizzes, referencing the sources in discussion posts, and for research beyond this class when the question of “I read that one source last semester! I think it might be useful for this paper! Now what was it about…?” comes to mind.


• Includes every primary source we have read thus far in the semester, including this week’s source(s).

• Alphabetized

• In MLA or Chicago Style (for citations)

• Each works cited/bibliographic entry is followed by a 2-5 sentence description of the source

• Typed, 12 point Times New Roman font

• Bibliographic entry in bold

Brief (fictional) example:

Banner, Bruce. My Experiences on Sakaar and Beyond. Cambridge: Oxford University Press, 2017.

This source was written by Bruce Banner with assistance from the Hulk. It describes both’ experiences on the planet Sakaar, Hulk’s battles with Thor, and Banner’s interactions with Jeff Goldblum. Detailed description of the fall of Asgard are also included in this work.

Quill, Peter. The Pursuit of the Perfect Mixtape and Other Misadventures. New York: Penguin, 2017.

An autobiographical source written by Quill (alias Star Lord). This source details Quill’s childhood and fondness for 70s jams. This is a great primary source for understanding interplanetary travel and trade contemporary with the formation of the Guardians of the Galaxy as told by one of its members.