Read And Write 263

The short essays cannot be longer than 300 words (or 1500 characters). You must have submitted at least 3 of those 6 (min) essays by March 25, 2024).

Your essays are small critical syntheses. What is a critical synthesis? In a critical synthesis, you must summarize the reading material, and then provide us with your critique, or your analysis. In other words, each essay first describes the topic – or the theme(s) – of the paper or chapter you have read and the author’s argument. After this brief summary, the essay then discusses whetheryou agree with what the author is saying, or not, and why.

It is extremely important that you understand the fundamental of citing, and more about citation styles, reporting your sources, and argumentative writing will be presented during class.

The criteria for evaluating the essays are as follows:

❖ Structure (25%)

❖ Clarity (25%)

❖ Pertinence (Relevance) (25%)

❖ Originality (25%).

It is advised that, your essays draw connections and “bridge” theory with practice.

While reading, you could ask yourself: What lessons are to be learned from this case?

What principles should guide decision-making in the face of ethically challenging situations?

What have you learned in this reading that could be applied in a professional setting?

How is it relevant? Insightful? Applicable? Relatable? Original? These questions should help you develop a stance vis-à-vis the reading materials. In your essays, make sure you communicate this stance clearly, and articulate a clear opinion using examples, and specific arguments.