This research paper is a physical reflection of the learning you’re doing throughout our entire quarter together. As such, this paper should demonstrate the following essential mechanics found in writing within the humanities. These essential mechanics are: 1. Adherence to the use of MLA formatting throughout; 2. Engagement with outside sources and synthesis of that material (engaging in the larger Conversation) 3. Fully developed paragraphs; 4. Rhetorical awareness; 5. Obvious application of analytical methods including: Explication, Cultural Context, Character Analysis, Examination of the Plot, Analysis of the Setting, Point of View, Awareness of Voice (including style, tone, and language), Theme/Lenses, Tone, Word Choice, and an overall understanding about Writing Literary Arguments (62-77); 6. An opportunity to use LITERARY CRITICISM – Psychoanalytic, Theological or Religious, Marxist, Freudian, Sociological, or other types of literary theories (we will discuss these in greater detail); 7. College-level writing, syntax, and language use (language coherence does not distract from the meaning of the writing). REQUIREMENTS: Choose ONE PRIMARY work we are studying this quarter from our textbook; Figure out what LENS (or THEME) you will use as the focus of your analysis of the Primary work and the associated LITERARY CRITICISM ; Complete the BRAINSTORM ACTIVITY (see Brainstorm Activity) and bring it to your conference; Use AT LEAST TWO Peer-Reviewed, Scholarly academic journal articles to support your analysis; Clear literary analysis of the work is demonstrated throughout; MLA format (name, instructor name, class, date – upper left-hand corner; last name and page number – upper right-hand corner, 1” margins, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-pt font, inline citations – last name page number, and properly formatted Works Cited page); Paper must be at least 10-11 pages in length (not including the Works Cited page); All elements of the project must be met in order to get full-credit (See “Important Project Dates” above – Brainstorm Activity, Conference, Poster Presentation, Workshops, and the paper packet must be completed and turned in on time) – the PROCESS is a crucial part of this project. No late papers will be accepted for full credit. Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it