Critique one article using the appropriate appraisal form:
Use the information below to help you know which section of the article to use to answer the questions in the template:
- Introduction and its subsections have the purpose or WHY study done.
- Methods section and its subsections contains HOW the study was done.
- Results, Discussion and Conclusions section have WHAT was found.
- In week 3 you selected a topic of interest and formulated a question about that topic for your Evidence-Based Practice Assignment.
- In week 4 you searched the literature on your week three topic and submitted three articles for approval towards building your Evidence-Based Practice Assignment.
- Module 6 readings are a continuation from week 5 that includes chapters 13 and 14 on Appraising Research Evidence and Clinical Practice Guidelines. Please refer to these chapters on how to complete an appraisal using the templates provided here.
- For the first template in week 6, you will choose either a Qualitative or a Quantitative Review (Please do not complete both Quantitative and Qualitative Appraisal). Your second article is a Systematic Review Appraisal.
- Make sure you receive approval from your instructor in week 4 for the article you use to complete either the Qualitative or Quantitative Review and for the Systematic Review. There are hyperlinks to these templates in the week 6 instructions. Do not create your own document with answers.
- Each section of the template is required to be completed as this assignment builds on your Evidence-Based Practice Project. Each template has a citation that must be submitted in APA format. Answers to questions in Synopsis sections are required (see template examples in your book). Each question must have an answer of 1-2 full sentences in length per question. Credibility section Yes/No answers are also required. The Comments area is also required and should be at least 1-3 sentences noting how this article relates to your nursing issue topic from week 3 and what you thought was significant.
- You will be using these articles again in your week 9 Evidence-Based Practice Project Poster.
- Please review the rubric closely and proof your work by reviewing instructions before you submit.