CIT 470: Advanced Network & System Administration
Midterm Report and Presentation
There is not late work submitted or accepted for the midterm report and presentation.
You should plan accordingly over the next three weeks.
For your midterm, you will provide a report and presentation that provides a brief overview of the work you have done so far in the semester. This assignment helps prepare you for the real world where you may be asked to research new technologies and present your findings.
It will cover the following topics:
oServer and client installation
oHost registration
oImage capture
oInstallation and testing (Hello World)
oContainerization overview
oDocker containerization
oWebpage creation
oDocker containerization
oWebsite monitoring
oDocker container monitoring
Part 1 – Report:
Please write a report that discusses the software you have used throughout the semester, starting from FOG. You are permitted to use the content from your Reflection Report assignments, but you may need to add on to it. Also, the structure of your report is free form, allowing you to choose what works best for you. However, please make sure it includes an overall introduction and conclusion, is divided into logical sections, and clearly communicates your ideas. In addition, a length requirement is not given, but you should ensure your writing sufficiently explains your work.
Please be aware you cannot receive credit for a section of the report / presentation if you did not turn in a lab.
If you did turn in a lab but did not receive full credit you will have the option to redo the lab for a regrade before the report / power point / recorded presentation us due. If you do not redo the labs for credit your midterm report should cover why things do not go as well in the labs and what you would do to correct any concerns.
Please be aware I will be out of town the for the entirety of Spring Break. I will be leaving at 5pm Friday March 1st and will not return until very late on Monday March 11th.
I will have limited access to the internet during this time so if you have questions you should ask by 4pm Friday March 1st.
The report / power point / recorded presentation will be due on Sunday March 17th.
Please note there will be new assignment the week after spring break.
For your midterm grade I will consider all work done through docker up-time kuma lab.
I will submit these before I leave on Friday March 1st.
With the topics listed in the Introduction, your report must meet the following requirements:
Provide a brief overview of the four applications / containers listed above, including their purposes, features, and benefits. Be sure to emphasize containerization when discussing Docker.
How did you install each application (referring to your experiences in the lab)? If a Docker container was used instead of a native installation, how did you run and use it? You do not need to list the commands; instead, discuss the overall steps you took.
The report should not include any code or how to install project. This would be documentation. Your report and other parts are to discuss at a higher level.
What did you do with each application and container in the labs? The subpoints in the Introduction should be focused on here (except for containerization overview).
How would the software / containers you used benefit a company? You may cite personal experience if you work at a company and use this software.
Which of the applications / containers did you find easy to use? Which ones were difficult? Briefly discuss at least one change you would like to see in a future version of at least one application / container.
Include a title page, a References / Works Cited page, and in-text citations in your report. These requirements must be met through following MLA or APA standards.
Part 2 – Presentation:
For your presentation, cover the same topics as above, but summarize what you wrote about them in your report. Create a PowerPoint presentation with this information, then record a video of you presenting your work with it. You may consider using OBS studio for this (the link will be in Canvas).
Your presentation should be around 7-10 minutes in length (it is okay to be a few seconds less or more). Also, consider using images to demonstrate your work and tables to organize information. Be sure to cite your sources with one or more slides listing them. If you use images from the Internet, you will need to cite them as well.
Part 3 – What do I submit to Canavas.
- Your written report
- Your power point for your presentation
You should ask questions as early as possible as you do not want to wait until the last moment.