Policy Memo Part C


Assessing Solutions and Making Recommendations

You will need to submit a policy memo presenting the components of your solution analysis: criteria + policy options (a subset of those presented in Part B) + outcomes projections + trade-offs and risks + recommendations.

* 3500 words maximum for main body; no limit for appendices.


Required Exhibits

  • Outcome matrix with criteria, policy options, and projected outcomes
  • A full logic model for at least one policy option.
  • – If you are recommending one of your policy options (see below), be sure to include a logic model for the recommended option.

    – Every logic model should include logic backbone, assumptions, and risks.

    – You are also encouraged to include remedies for the risks, but this is not required. (Note: Remedies can be shown in the logic model or listed elsewhere to avoid making your diagram/exhibit too crowded.)

    Notice here:

    * You can find more detail from attached file.

    * I will share other material later soon.

    * Due time will be postponed for 1 week more when it closes to the last day so you will have a month to work on this project.