Your task is to enter a debate about the work of political theory that poses an interpretive problem and advances a claim as to how we should understand the text’s meaning. This paper aims to unsettle the reader’s review about what the text means. The task is to show one’s reader that what that had taken to be the meaning of the text was wrong or incomplete. Often great papers are made by attending to the slippages in the argument under consideration. Does the text fail to follow the logical consequences of its argument? Does the text advance claims that are mutually exclusive, and thus, contradict itself? Might one reasonably think the text contradicts itself, but, on your reading, it is in fact coherent?
These are just examples, but all papers MUST have problem or controversy— “he says the text means this; I say it means that”. The paper will make an interpretive argument on the texts under consideration. Excellent papers will most likely do so by taking up engaging AT LEAST 1 scholarly secondary source to help frame their problem and argument.
More specifically:
– 7 MLA page analysis identifying an interpretive problem a fellow reader (an interlocutor) might have when reading “The Souls of the Black Folk”.The average reader might understand the text to mean so and so, but this paper proves that the author means so and so. Have to use an additional scholarly source to help frame the paper’s argument. here is the link to the reading.
the rubric is attached as well. ignore the yellow highlights.