Phase 4 – Regression modeling (200 points)
In this phase, you will create a regression model using the modeling process. The details of the process are covered in Chapters 23, 24, and 25, but this phase entails the following steps.
- Identify dependent (response) and explanatory (independent) variables. You may have more independent variables than you need at this stage.
- Run a multiple regression model (MRM) and identify any issues with multicollinearity.
- Address multicollinearity, if found.
- Choose independent variables. Select the model. You may also use the partial F test, if appropriate.
- For the chosen model, run the regression diagnostics. Check (i) the linearity requirement by creating the scatterplot matrix between the response and all explanatory variables, (ii) heteroskedasticity, (iii) autocorrelation.
- Validate the goodness-of-fit of the model.
Run the Overall F test.
Run the statistical significance test of individual X variables.
Examine R-squared and adjusted R-squared. Interpret the value of R-squared.
Examine RMSE of the model and interpret its value.
If the model is valid, then use it for prediction.