Persuasive Speech Outline 86

Persuasive Speech Outline


Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to prepare you for your upcoming persuasive speech.

Task: Review the persuasive speech guidelines below.

Craft a draft of your persuasive speech outline.

Download the Persuasive Speech Outline Template.

Type directly into the template and submit it to the Turnitin dropbox (linked below) by the deadline. Be sure to cite sources in text and a reference list using APA style. Your instructor will provide you with written feedback on the outline. You should revise your outline before practicing and recording your persuasive speech due in a few weeks. You are not required to resubmit after you have made revisions.

A successful student will:

  • Select a topic appropriate for your audience and speech situation.
  • Use an appropriate organizational pattern.
  • Include a fully developed introduction, main points, conclusion, transitions in your speech
  • the minimum number of sources properly using APA style, both verbally and in your outline.
  • Upload your outline to the appropriate Turnitin link by the deadline.
  • SPC 2608 Persuasive Speech and Outline


    Purpose: This goal of this speech is for you to deliver a persuasive speech that convinces your audience to accept your position on a current and controversial topic.

    You will use this skill in the workplace to persuade others to support your point of view (i.e. pitching a product, gaining a client).

    Task: In this 5-7-minute speech, you will select a topic and persuade your audience to adopt your point of view