by Shakira Grisales –
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Jean Watson’s Theory
Jean Watson is a theorist who believed nursing science should be separated from the overall medical science. “ a further attempt was to bring meaning and focus to nursing as an emerging discipline and distinct health profession with its own unique values, knowledge, and worldview, practices; to advance nursing moral covenant with humanity and mission to society, and to sustain global human caring, healing, and health for all”(Smith, 2019, p. 313). Watsons has provided the healthcare system with a consciousness framework to further develop patient care. Watson believes that the role of the nurse is to be present and develop a transpersonal relationship with the patient to build a spiritual connection. “The transpersonal caritas consciousness nurse seeks to see the spirit filled, person behind the disease or the diagnosis or the behavior or personality one may not even like and connect with the spirit fill individual exists behind the illusion”(Smith, 2019, p. 319). Watson believes that overall health is connected to the equilibrium within the persons non-physical spiritual state and the physical body. “In other words, a lack of harmony among mind, body, and soul results in a lack of sense of coherence, eventually leading to anxiety and internal turmoil”(“Impact of Watson’s Human Caring-Based Health Promotion Program on Caregivers of Individuals with Schizophrenia,” 2023, p. 1).
Person: “She referred to the human beings as a valued person in and of themselves to be cared for, respected, nurtured, understood, and assisted; in general, a person’s philosophical view as a fully functional integrated self”(Gonzalo, n.d., p. 1).
Health: “Watson (1988) also described health as the harmony among mind, body, and soul”(“Impact of Watson’s Human Caring-Based Health Promotion Program on Caregivers of Individuals with Schizophrenia,” 2023, p. 1).
Nursing: Watsons believes that the role of the nurse is to have an open-heart connection with the patient to embrace their spiritual needs.
Environment: The 10 caritas processes possess the influential factors to the patient’s environment.
“Watsons work now makes connections between human caring, healing, and even peace in our world , with nurses as caritas-communitas peacemakers when they are practicing human caring for self and others”(Smith, 2019, p. 314). The healthcare system regularly uses the 10 carative factors subconsciously by protecting their patients and providing them with a healing environment. “ Caritas comes from the Latin word, meaning to cherish and appreciate, giving special attention to or loving(Smith, 2019, p. 314)”. Caritas has progressed and developed throughout the years from its origin known as Original Carative Factors. The Original Carative Factors was considered to be a guide and the core of nursing framework. Caritas processes is considered modernized translation to the 10 Original Carative Factors. “Allowance for existential phenomenological forces becomes opening and attending to spiritual mysterious existential dimension of ones life death; soul care for self and one being cared for (Allowing for miracles)”(Smith, 2019, p. 317). Following the 10th Carita Little P was shown by allowing a patient and family to follow and or believe in a religion/phenomenological force which provided the necessary grief in a moment of fear such as being hospitalized. In the ICU we had patient who was following religious traditions alongside her treatment and was able to fully recover. Although, one of the traditions the family believed in was acupuncture and unfortunately the family was puncturing skin on a patient who was already immunocompromised. The hospital administration insisted that the patient was not allowed any visitors at bedside because of the invasion to the visitation guidelines. The patient began to become agitated because she was always alone and did not see her family members at bedside. I brought into the room my unit supervisor and showed her the agitation that was noted from the patient and she was able to point a sad face on our communication table for intubated patients. Alteration in vital signs followed with the agitation soI insisted on asking for permission to have a family member at bedside because they also believed that someone needed to be present so that way they can do their evening prayer. Confidently ensuring that I will be at bedside during the visit permission was granted. The patient started to relax as soon as she saw her husband at bedside. Bowing my head and silently watching from a distance the family hailed in prayer. The patient was crying when the family was finally at bedside praying for her and was able to nod that she felt better.
In conclusion Jean Watson developed a theory which provides a holistic nursing framework. Watson believed the 10 caritas processes guided a spiritual connection between patient and the healthcare team. Health was improved by being present and caring with compassion and love.