management employees who will be conducting business in the country of your choice. Become familiar

Cross-Cultural Training for Global Business You have been tasked by either your workplace or a government contractor (you select a company) to provide business executives with a Powerpoint presentation detailing key insights into conducting business in a specific country (you choose the country). Write to a primary audience of senior-level decision makers as well as a secondary audience of middle management employees who will be conducting business in the country of your choice. Become familiar with a specific country/culture through interviews (if at all possible) and research. A good starting place might be . The webliography and the course content also have information to help you with learning about various cultures/countries. Based on your interviews and research, create a Powerpoint presentation summarizing how to perform business in the culture you selected. Here are a few ideas to consider as you begin researching your selected culture. You do not need to include each topic. Think about your audience. What will be the best way to present this information? Research and cite all reference materials used to prepare your proposal/report and presentation.