look closely and critically at something to identify its component parts and determine how they

Chapter 14 “Writing Analytically / ‘Let’s Take a Closer Look’” This chapter teaches a skill valued in all academic disciplines: writing analytically. To successfully think analytically, we must learn to look closely and critically at something to identify its component parts and determine how they relate to one another and what can be learned about it through analysis. This synopsis must be one thorough, well-developed paragraph formatted correctly in strict accordance to MLA requirements. Failure to follow MLA requirements will reflect severely upon your grade. You must revise and edit. There are far too many errors in many of the synopses thus far submitted. I am bewildered particularly by the numerous ongoing pronoun errors, sentence fragments, and repeated first and second person usage. Surely, these are resultant of carelessness and lack of revision. This is the time to hone the skills you developed in 1301 and previous English classes. Purchase the answer to view it