When presented with a task, most individuals determine whether they are able to successfully complete it. In addition, they may take into account any personal benefits they expect to gain for their efforts. Individuals assess, albeit informally, whether efforts they anticipate expending are worth outcomes they expect to receive. Vroom takes this informal assessment and applies it formally in the valence-instrumentality-expectancy model. The valence-instrumentality-expectancy (VIE) model posited by Vroom (1964) suggests assigning numerical values to factors considered in making work-related decisions. Vroom maintains that most employees, when confronted with a work-related duty, pose a series of calculated questions to themselves. How well can I perform this task? How hard do I have to work to accomplish this task? What professional gains can I expect to reap as a result of my success? Vroom’s model predicts choices or decisions employees are likely to make and organizational behavior they are likely to exhibit. As a result, Vroom’s theory sheds light on individuals’ professional goals by revealing their intentions. Pinder (2008) regards VIE as one of the most “popular, useful, and robust” work motivation theories to emerge over the last 100 years (p. 363). a brief explanation of your goal to obtain a graduate degree (Industrial Organizational Psychology) in the context of the VIE model. Then assess the likelihood that you achieve your goal based on the VIE model. Finally, describe any adjustments you may need to make based on your assessment. Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it