Hsem 3850 Border And Port Security Final Paper

Topic: How can emerging technologies be used to enhance border and port security measures and prevent unauthorized access or smuggling activities?

APA w/ cover page and reference page (do not count toward page count)

• Research and prepare a 7-8 page paper.

• Papers must have less than 20% on the originality report.

• Use at least three scholarly sources in your paper (Use Google Scholar and notes)‼️

Paper Template

1. Provide history/background of the topic you chose.

2. How does it relate to border/port security?

3. Local, state, federal topic? Why?

4. What laws or legislation pertain to the topic?

5. Describe at least two specific events related to your topic in the last 2-3 years.

6. How has it evolved, and what will it look like in the future?

Google scholar:
How can emerging technologies be used to enhance… – Google Scholar