High performing teams do not just happen, rather they are a product of a culture,values, and intentional approaches that create them. In this assignment, students willevaluate a scenario and assess the conditions that need to be created to lead to ahighly performing team.Referring to the topics from this week’s content, select one of the following threescenarios and prepare answers to each question posed with the case scenario. Note:Case #1 and #3 have two posed questions and Case #2 has three associatedquestions. Make sure to answer all questions all parts.
Case Study #1:1. When Ligua asks for feedback regarding her prospects for promotion, whatmight her supervisor do differently?2. Specifically, what teamwork skills does Ligua need to work on and why?
Case Study #2:1. If you were Mary, what advice would you give Katie?2. If you were Katie, what could you do to try to make the situation better?3. What are the benefits of the multidisciplinary team approach at the children’smental hospital? What are the implications of this approach for the patients?
Case Study #3:1. Michael’s experiences at work illustrate obstacles to teamwork. What arethese obstacles, and how do they interfere with teamwork?2. What might Michael do to become more of a team player? What might hiscoworkers do to facilitate teamwork and help Michael feel more included?
© 2022 Post University, Waterbury, CTALL RIGHTS RESERVEDInstructions & Requirements:Requirements of the final product (e.g. page count, references, etc.):Prepare a response paper in APA paper of at least 1,000 words of narrative, paragraphpaper format that describes your prepared responses to the questions provided for theselected case scenario.You should include at least three peer reviewed journal article sources to defend yourcontentions presented in your paper (minimum of one for each scenario). Your textbookmay also be used, but does not count towards the research requirement. Make sure tocite your sources in your narrative response in APA format with in-text citations and areference listing.Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated beforeyou write and again after you write.