guide your Applied Doctoral Project. Writing a solid problem statement will be critical

For this activity, you will think critically about problem statements and learn to recognize ones that are clear and well structured. As you develop skills in critiquing problem statements, you build your ability to create a problem statement to guide your Applied Doctoral Project. Writing a solid problem statement will be critical to your success as you navigate the steps to completing your ADP. The problem statement establishes the focus and sets the tone of your ADP. You will be exploring examples to help you in the creation of your own. The assigned reading should be applied to your existing knowledge and understanding of writing in the context of doctoral level work. This activity is NOT where you write your problem statement. You are, however, getting a preview of the resources provided to you in your ADP experience to develop your problem statement when the time comes. At this stage in your learning, this activity has been designed to help you understand the of a well-developed problem statement. Have you ever used a GPS to get somewhere and realized you don’t know how you got there? You relied on the instructions, but never really thought about what you were doing to get there. Well, you can do the same with your problem statement. You can follow the steps and end up with a problem statement and easily bypass the critical thinking that yields the most important driver for your ADP. So, use this activity and the 8.2 activity to develop your skills in developing criteria that will help you think critically. There are many “right” answers and you should expect to learn from the ideas of your classmates. ——————————————————————————————————– Problem Definition A is Key Terms: ; Defining problems is , a reoccuring . People write about problems in order to understand their constituent parts, causes, and effects. In our daily lives, and certainly as part of our professional careers, we engage in defining problems. This is often perceived as the first step in problem solving. You cannot solve a problem if you don’t understand it. People in a variety of professional roles compose texts that can be categorized as Problem Definitions. Writers use a variety of to compose problem definitions. And, because the for problems are so varied, there is no one way to write a