Cardiovascular system : discuss a disease associated with the breakdown of this system and a potentialtherapeutic intervention.
The term paper should include sufficient background and introduction on the topic, what iscurrently known in the field, and provide justification for why it is an important topic. For thosesuggesting a therapeutic intervention, you must discuss a feasible therapeutic intervention anddescribe how you might design an experiment to test this intervention. The term paper cannotexceed 2 pages, arial, 11-point font, single-spaced, 0.5-inch margins. There is no penalizationfor using less than 2 pages as long as the required materials are all present, but any submissionexceeding the allotted space or using smaller fonts or margins will get an immediate failure withno chance for a revision. All documents must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document orequivalent. References can be put on a separate page and do not have any space limitations.Students will be graded on innovation, feasibility, and clarity. While grammar will generally notbe a focus of grades, major errors in grammar/punctuation that make the materialincomprehensible will affect the grade.