Draft Individual Assignment 1a

(Please keep in mind this is the draft and then I will have a separate assignment after I turn this in with comments so that it can be finalized into a paper.

Directions: Individual Assignment #1A Due: Draft ideas for the Occupation/Profession (OP) Interest Paper (2.5 – 5 pp., 1 – 2 additional pages is okay, double-spaced, 10-12 size font). The OP Paper is essentially an in-depth analysis of a job/career you are interested in exploring and possibly pursuing in the future. A sociological perspective, from both a practical and theoretical stance, is kept in mind while working on this paper. Yes, for this draft, you can use bullets or a formal outline format. Ideally, you should address all areas (at minimum at least 75% of the areas expected on the final paper). Consider using headings to identify sections of your paper. Start citing your sources using an APA, ASA, or another appropriate format (include a references section). Examples of OP Papers are provided below in the reference section.

The following represents the final guidelines of the final OP Paper (but this is the draft, so, again, it doesn’t have to be fully or formally developed).

  • State your interest in a job/career and note why you are attracted to it.
  • Specifics relating to the position’s general industry affiliations, organization types, descriptive titles, overall duties/responsibilities, expected educational and professional entrance requirements, projected outlooks, and average earnings.
  • Sociological phenomena will undoubtedly come up as one engages in the work while in the position. Use your sociological imagination and provide at least one example.
  • Suitability of the position for you, as it relates to your personal traits, academic talents, and professional/technical skills.
  • Steps you can take to better equip for the position, having learned about its ins and outs.
  • Sample resources you can utilize to acquire better leads (connections or insights) on the position, to help you apply for a related internship, or to help you apply to and secure the actual position.
  • Sources you used to research the position (note at least two references, try to find at least one empirical/research-based and any other source you deem appropriate). Cite references using APA, ASA, MLA, or another appropriate format for your topic.
  • Note: Consider using the above bulleted areas as sentence or paragraph starters or headings. This will help you organize your paper and ensure you fulfil the assignment expectations.

    Additional: Some references to consider to assist with the assignment Draft and Final Paper (in addition to the guidelines above):

    EXAMPLES from previous students:

    Thank you let me know if you have any questions