Discussion Board 3 75

Discussion Board 3

As we learned Philosophy (School of Athens) has several “celebrities” included within the painting, such as Leonardo/Plato, Bramante/Euclid, and Michelangelo/Heraclitus. Create your own “School of Athens” with six figures. Please do not choose six family members or six people from the Washington Commanders, etc. Be diverse in your selection.

Remembering how Raphael had painted a series of themes: Philosophy (also known as the School of Athens), Law, Poetry, Theology. What do you decide to paint about? Politics? Religion? Art? Literature? Music? Who would you include? Be creative. How are they positioned? Where are they? What do they wear, modern or antiquated clothes? What style is it in? Would you pick a more traditional approach, like Raphael, or something more outlandish, like Cubist?

This should be at least two paragraphs. Don’t forget to reply to two classmates.